
Project Update & Design Objectives


Project Update & Design Objectives

The Ardrossan Connections project was launched in January this year and aims to inspire, empower and support the community and local council to enhance the National Cycle Network for walking, cycling and wheeling, and support the development of a more accessible, safe and welcoming centre of Ardrossan for residents, visitors and local businesses.

In January we reached out to residents, businesses and community groups in Ardrossan to find out what their opinions and ideas were for the National Cycle Network route and the rest of the study area. View Ardrossan Connections interactive map to see all comments collected through the project website and community survey.

We're inviting you to watch a short video below in which we're sharing the project progress since it has launched and how you can get involved in the development of the design ideas by joining our Design Festival.

More details about the project you can find on the information boards at the bottom of this page, as well as a text version of the document, please scroll to the bottom of the page to open both documents.

Design Objectives

To ensure we address the key themes through the design, we’re developing design objectives which we will use as a guideline to ensure that the designs developed to address the current issues and key themes as a whole. Please see below the design objectives we propose and let us know if we missed anything in the design objectives by providing your comment at the bottom of the page.

Objective 1: Provide a safe, accessible, attractive and connected National Cycle Network route through the centre of Ardrossan

  • Active Travel - Provide residents and visitors the infrastructure required to choose cycling, wheeling and walking as their mode of travel. Encourage usage of the National Cycle Network that is respectful to the needs of others.
  • Connectivity - Create a continuous and legible National Cycle Network route through the centre of Ardrossan with crossing points.
  • Attractiveness - Create routes that are attractive for users and provide places to stop, rest and enjoy the views.
  • Accessibility - Ensure the route is accessible to all.
  • Vehicular Traffic - Create an environment for people that encourages low/suitable traffic speeds and limits/offsets traffic volumes.
  • Objective 2: Create a National Cycle Network route and public realm in the centre of Ardrossan that work well together with other elements of Ardrossan’s transport infrastructure

  • Safety - Create a route that is safe for people who use it, and which prioritises the needs of active travel where required.
  • Public Transport - Make the interchange with public transport easy and use the interchange as an opportunity to promote the National Cycle Network.
  • Objective 3 - Celebrate Ardrossan’s identity and create a welcoming and attractive public realm in the centre of Ardrossan

  • Identity & Attractiveness - Reference Ardrossan’s assets – including historical, maritime and heritage - and design a welcoming and attractive public realm in the centre of Ardrossan and along the National Cycle Network.
  • Outdoor Environment - Enhance outdoor space along the National Cycle Network, responding to the existing landscape.
  • Community & Activity - Provide locational opportunities for the community and visitors to interact, creating spaces where people will want to spend time.
  • Vehicular Traffic - Create an environment for people that encourages low/suitable traffic speeds and limits/offsets traffic volumes.
  • Objective 4 - Create a National Cycle Network route through Ardrossan that is coordinated with other development projects being progressed in the town

  • Connect - Connect with other active travel routes - both existing and proposed - in the town.
  • Integrate signage - Integrate signage strategy with other developments.
  • Seamless transitions - Design seamless transitions between routes where different projects overlap.
  • How can you get involved?

    The design process is shaped by a series of events and activities providing an opportunity for the community and stakeholders to tell us what changes they would like to see in their local area.

    Feedback on Design Objectives - we would love to hear your feedback on the proposed above design objectives, which are presented in the video above and on the information boards. Please let us know if we missed anything in the design objectives by adding your comment at the bottom of this page.

    Join Virtual Design Festival - We are also inviting the community to join our Virtual Design Festival, where you can work with the team on specific design ideas and interventions that could help tackle the issues the community raised and bring the changes the community would like to see in the centre of Ardrossan. To register for any of the workshops use to follow this link: https://ardrossandesignfestival.commonplace.is/overview

    Can’t make any of the workshops? Share some design ideas on Padlet here: https://en-gb.padlet.com/eilidhsustrans/Ardrossan Alternatively, you can email any ideas to eilidh.russell@sustrans.org.uk or call us on 0131 346 1384

    Youth Engagement Activity Booklet can be found here and includes a variety of activities to explore: developing greenspace for a place to play, spend time in and enjoy, exploring the history and heritage of Ardrossan, and benefits of choosing walking and cycling.

    Stay informed - to keep informed of the project's progress and future events, please subscribe to our latest news .

    Additional materials

    Information boards
    Information boards
    Text version of the information boards
    Text version of the information boards
    What is your email address?